Bob Rebello’s Worldwide
Marathons For Kidney Cancer Newsletter –December 2012

In memory of John Rebello
If you knew John you would have
liked him
“He was a good son, a good
brother, a good husband, a good father – and a good friend”
American Cancer Society’s
kidney cancer statistics for the year 2012
About 64,770 new cases of kidney cancer [40,250 men and
24,520 women] will occur in the U.S.
Worldwide over 100,000 will die of kidney cancer and
over 200,000 will be living with kidney cancer
The window of opportunity for me to meet my 1999
commitment to raise $100k for kidney cancer research by 12/31/012 is rapidly closing. With only 14 days remaining I must raise $9,274.00 for me to meet the $100k
commitment that I made to the
team of doctors at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center who have dedicated
themselves to finding a cure for kidney cancer.
As I was, when I started my
charity in 1999, I am very confident that I will meet
my commitment to raise $100k by 12/31/012. I am confident because of the fact
that in just the last 2 years my charity has brought worldwide awareness about
kidney cancer to over 9,500
people from over 100 countries and all of the 50
U.S. States. Over the last 2 years my website has had 7,000 visits from over
100 countries and all 50 US States; I have 2,400 followers on Twitter, and 190 followers
on Facebook. I believe that within the 9,500 worldwide followers there are 188 generous
and caring people who will donate $50.00 each over the next 14 days to get me
to the $100k by 12/31/012. If you have already donated –
thank you – If you have not donated yet I would appreciate it if you would consider joining the 1,149
people who have donated to this worthy cause over the last 14 years.
To Donate By Check:
Make the check payable to Beth Israel Deaconess
Medical Center and mail to:
Bob Rebello
1399 9th Avenue #918
San Diego, CA 92101
1399 9th Avenue #918
San Diego, CA 92101
To Donate By
Credit Card:
If you’d like to make a donation by credit card go to my website www.bobrebello and click on Donate
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center’s Tax ID # is 042-103-881.
You can follow the donation status by
going to my website [], Twitter
[] and Facebook
The only other 1999 commitment
that I have not met– but I will
meet – is to run more training and race miles then the
circumference of the earth [24,901.5] by 12/31/012. As of this date I have run 24,718 miles and I only need
to run 183.5 miles over the next 14 days [13 miles/day] to meet my commitment. It is going
to be very difficult for me to meet the commitment as my right knee that I
injured in my May 2012 Copenhagen marathon has not healed yet. You can follow
my daily miles run and how many miles remaining before I reach the 24,901.5
miles run on Facebook [] and Twitter [].
2, 2012 “Surprise Marathon” - St.
Croix Virgin Islands Marathon
On December 2nd I finished my December
“surprise’ marathon, my 19th and final marathon for my charity, which
was held on the beautiful Island of St. Croix, Virgin Islands. It was a very
difficult marathon for me to finish due to my knee that I injured in the
Copenhagen marathon in May. While I was in St. Croix I had the pleasure of
staying with my good friends Larry and Louise Williams. I plan on finishing my
St. Croix marathon story by the end of next week and when it is finished I will
put it on my Blog and my website.
Listed below are my corporate sponsors who
have generously donated their “Best in Class” products and services to help me
meet my commitments. I greatly appreciate their continued support over the
years – thanks to each of you - I could not meet my commitments without your
Corporate Sponsors: Asics, Riggs Creative Group, Road Runner Sports, National Franchise
Services, Wigwam Mills, Medicept,
Real Estate, BluRose Media, Phase [n], Sole Luna Café, Enjoy,
Bob Rebello