I'm Going In
My folks are getting along in age. They both turn 84 this year. Both are fiercely independent. My family, like most, is strange. At least from my perspective.
My dad recently tripped and fell on the walkway coming or going to get some leftovers my mom left in the car. Nothing broken. Banged his knee up a bit. He spent the next few weeks dealing with the aftermath. Water on the knee. Some fever and chills. Possible infection. There were multiple doctor and urgent care visits. Crutches were needed to get around the house including going up down the stairs.
I think this incident frightened my mom. She called me to discuss having me fly back to Connecticut. I think she was scared this may be the start of a decline from which there might be no recovery.
Fortunately he seems to have healed up pretty well. But the wheels were set on motion for me to come back to spend some time helping them out with other issues. One being providing home care tech support. The other dealing with some estate planning issues.
Yesterday I caught a flight to Boston, rented a car and drive down to stay at my sister's in Rhode Island. I got up this morning, walked on the beach with my sister, Rachel and her husband, John and NAIA. I took a Yin Yoga class and then headed down to West Haven, CT. I pulled over at a funky little seafood place and grabbed a lobster roll and a birch beer.
I'm heading to my parents house on Lake Phipps now. I'm going in. I'm not sure what to expect other than that this should be interesting. I'm here to help them with what ever they need help with.
As my brother-in-law said, "this is the beginning of a process".
These updates will be about family, aging, coping and eating.
I'll keep you appraised.
My folks are getting along in age. They both turn 84 this year. Both are fiercely independent. My family, like most, is strange. At least from my perspective.
My dad recently tripped and fell on the walkway coming or going to get some leftovers my mom left in the car. Nothing broken. Banged his knee up a bit. He spent the next few weeks dealing with the aftermath. Water on the knee. Some fever and chills. Possible infection. There were multiple doctor and urgent care visits. Crutches were needed to get around the house including going up down the stairs.
I think this incident frightened my mom. She called me to discuss having me fly back to Connecticut. I think she was scared this may be the start of a decline from which there might be no recovery.
Fortunately he seems to have healed up pretty well. But the wheels were set on motion for me to come back to spend some time helping them out with other issues. One being providing home care tech support. The other dealing with some estate planning issues.
I'm heading to my parents house on Lake Phipps now. I'm going in. I'm not sure what to expect other than that this should be interesting. I'm here to help them with what ever they need help with.
As my brother-in-law said, "this is the beginning of a process".
These updates will be about family, aging, coping and eating.
I'll keep you appraised.
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